Politics & International Studies
Category: Politics & International Studies
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Politics & International Studies
High inflation, debt and political fault lines: Rishi Sunak faces a challenging few months ahead
Environmental Sciences, Politics & International Studies
Energy, geopolitics and the dying arctic ice fields: an enviro-political perspective
Politics & International Studies
The China Factor in Vietnam’s View of India
Politics & International Studies
The Global South’s assertion in geopolitics
Politics & International Studies
Why the world is keenly waiting for Chinese Communist Party’s 20th national congress
Politics & International Studies
What Should be the Next Steps as India Moves to be a Defence Exporter
Politics & International Studies
Russia’s continued defiance of international law
Politics & International Studies
Biden’s Marijuana Pardons: A Game-changer?
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
Afghanistan and the way forward: Incorporating indigenous knowledge into policymaking
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
International or not, being Human is being ‘Global’
Politics & International Studies
Between host and home: Cultural lives and activism of refugees
Politics & International Studies
The Plight of South Asian Migrant Workers in the Gulf
Politics & International Studies
Taking off their hijab: Iranian women’s protest against the headscarves dates back several decades
Politics & International Studies
Opinion: Why India, NATO Should Deepen Ties Without Binding Themselves Through Membership Arrangements
Politics & International Studies
Coronavirus Aftermath: Will US, Other Powers Disengage With China?
Politics & International Studies
Trans Pacific Partnership in the post-Covid world
Politics & International Studies
Decline of political Islam as a national ideology in Saudi Arabia has implications for the Islamic world
Politics & International Studies
Second generation of Indians sees PRC as threat
Politics & International Studies