Category: Sociology
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National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam: within, without and beyond the law
Interrogating “light but tight” model of education: Saffron neoliberalism and India’s new education policy
Contemporary Indian museums as “feminist” spaces of care
Poverty to Sustenance: The Respectable–Shameful Journey of Women Performers of Sundarban
Book: Social Geographies: The Basics
Protecting the people: populism and masculine security in India and Hungary
Sometimes, Anger is the Answer: Geeli Puchhi and the Place of Dalit Rage
‘You are not Sikkimese enough’: Understanding collective action tendencies of old settlers in Sikkim using SIMCA
University and resistance: New state and new struggles
Nocturnal (dark) anthropology: Spotlight on an ancient Indian civilisation
Death of the Sacred: Cow, caste and Dalit politics in India
‘God is with the Patient People’: Festival, Class, and Interreligious Engagement
Baked in the Sun, Consumed by the Smoke: The Potters of Delhi’s Kumhar Gram
Between longing and belonging: home, homemaking and diasporas
Will India’s future generations forgive its decay into anti-Muslim hatred?
Law & Legal Studies, Sociology, Trending Research