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Politics & International Studies
India, Vietnam and the Indo-Pacific (Book)
Climate change, a catalyst for Arctic cooperation
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
India–Australia: Defining New Horizons of Engagement
Social Policy & Administration
Movement allies: towards an analytical re-classification of civil rights groups in India
Pointing movements and visuo-spatial working memory in a joint setting: the role of motor inhibition
Reforms to the Legal Framework of Child Sexual Abuse in India: Legislative Band-Aids on Systemic Wounds
The compelling public interest in testimonial compulsion: a critique of the Supreme Court of India’s decision in Ritesh Sinha v State of Uttar Pradesh
Correlates of burnout among Indian primary school teachers
Do Lower Foreign Flows and Higher Domestic Flows Reduce Indian Equity Market Volatility?
The Predicament of Moral Epistemology
Police Powers, Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Law, and Article 31(3)(c) of the VCLT: A Critique of Philip Morris v. Uruguay
Indian courts and bilateral investment treaty arbitration
Covid-19, India, and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS): will India be able to defend its public health measures?
National Security Exception in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and India-Pakistan Trade
‘Necessary’ in Non-Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Indian Contribution
Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs): Retribution to Restoration
Politics & International Studies