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Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Why consumers turn negative about the brand: antecedents and consequences of negative consumer engagement in virtual communities
Politics & International Studies
The small island states in the Indo-Pacific: sovereignty lost?
Managing the Logistics Distribution Performance Using Digitalization in the FMCG Sector
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Nexus between entrepreneurial orientation and intellectual capital
Politics & International Studies
Development for whom? The case of USAID in Ukraine’s Donbas
Wave Spectral Analysis of Visakhapatnam Port Under the Resonance Conditions
Book: Zola: An Intellectual Quest for Justice
Book: The Call for Recognition: Naturalizing Political Norms
Big data-Industry 4.0 readiness factors for sustainable supply chain management: Towards circularity
‘1971 Novels’ in Bangladesh: Women’s writing between the popular and the literary
English Language & Literature, Sociology
Globalization, Islamic Machine, and “Critical Localism” in the Aftermath of 9/11
Politics & International Studies
CISM And International Peace: Challenges and Opportunities
Anonymity And Trust Roles In The Digital Barter Age: Digital Transformation Framework And Digital Assets Popularity Assessment
Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse raises tough questions for the US government, financial institutions
Politics & International Studies
The glaring paradox of Xi Jinping as peace mediator
Why only appoint judges as arbitrators?
Will the Supreme Court be able to legalise same-sex marriage in India?
Politics & International Studies
China’s loan to Pakistan will directly impact India
Politics & International Studies