Politics & International Studies
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Promotion of green products on Facebook: insights from millennials
Social Policy & Administration
Number Theory: How rich are India’s richest – and how poor are the rest?
Politics & International Studies
China’s takeaways from the Russia-Ukraine war
Impact of brand nostalgia on intention to purchase brand extensions: moderating role of brand attachment
Judging a book by its cover? Aanalysing the Indian approach to defining platform markets
Blackness in America and the Presumption of Innocence: How the American Police and Mass Media Poisoned Everything
Social Policy & Administration
Protection for Medical Professionals: Has India Done Enough?
Geochemistry, Extent of Pollution, and Ecological Impact of Heavy Metal Pollutants in Soil
Politics & International Studies
Dealing with dictators and democrats under duress
Politics & International Studies
Explained: What Are India’s Options Amid Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine
Environmental Sciences, Politics & International Studies
Islands in turmoil
Politics & International Studies
India’s Silence on Russian Invasion: Why ‘Morals’ Matter in Foreign Policy
Social Policy & Administration
Hunger and Health: Reexamining the Impact of Household Food Insecurity on Child Malnutrition in India
Politics & International Studies
Understanding the Intricacies between Southeast Asia and Russia
Politics & International Studies
Xi Jinping’s ‘China dream’ and the future graph of the Chinese economy
Social Policy & Administration
Tracing Rosa Luxemburg’s legacy: Economic and political debates within contemporary India
Precautionary Principle and its tryst with the Indian judiciary
Accounting & Finance, Social Policy & Administration