Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
The relationship between body mass index and blood pressure: A study among school going children of Rajasthan, India
Keeping up with the machine: Can copyright accommodate transformative use in the age of artificial intelligence?
Business & Management Studies, Psychology
Ethical fibre and psychological contract of social entrepreneurs
Analysing the “education exception” clause in copyright law with special reference to Delhi University photocopy case.
The Role of Social Relationships in Learning from Job Rotations
Challenging experiences: recommendations for promoting individual development
The paradoxical consequences of leader feedback seeking for subordinates: a theoretical framework
Cosmopolitanism Beyond Anthropocentrism: The Ecological Self and Transcivilizational Dialogue
Exploring Relationships Between Family Firms’ Market Orientation and Innovation: Proposition of a Conceptual Framework
Performance and Development: Theatre for Social Change
Deep Sociology
Spiritual Pragmatism and an Economics of Solidarity
The Village Says “No”: Why Online ADR is Not (Yet) Working in Rural India
The impact of market orientation on small firm performance: a configurational approach
What (if anything) can economic anthropology say to neoliberal development? Toward new anthropologies of capitalism and its alternatives
Accounting & Finance, Business & Management Studies