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Balancing Justice Needs and Private Property in Constitutional Takings Provisions: A Comparative Assessment of India, Australia, and the United States
The Sreni-Drawing the Legacy of CSR in India
Imperial neuropsychology and an Indian diamond: The Quantum Ground of Dreaming in The Moonstone
Measuring contagion during COVID-19 through volatility spillovers of BRIC countries using diagonal BEKK approach
A Note on Boardroom Challenge, Board Effectiveness and Corporate Stewardship During COVID-19
COVID-19 and the Indian Private Equity Industry: Time to Use the Dry Powder
Social Policy & Administration
Ambedkar’s illegal marriage: Hindu nation, Hindu modernity and the legalization of intercaste marriage in India
Ruskin Bond’s Haunted Architecture: Anglo-Saxon Archetypes of the Doon Valley
Colour blindness: An account of disability rights and judicial compassion in Indian constitutional courts
Shakespeare in Dream and Shakespearean Dreams
Compulsory Development: An Ideal Type of Land Acquisition in India and China, 1980–2014
Social Policy & Administration
Do property rights explain health outcomes of adolescent girls in India? Evidence from the Teen Age Girls survey
Social Policy & Administration
Book: In search of home: Citizenship, law and the politics of the poor
Social Policy & Administration
Women are becoming less visible in India’s workforce – but are bearing government’s responsibilities
Social and environmental sustainability model on consumers’ altruism, green purchase intention, green brand loyalty and evangelism
Knowledge hiding in organization: A comprehensive literature review and future research agenda
Social Policy & Administration