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The Predicament of Moral Epistemology
Police Powers, Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Law, and Article 31(3)(c) of the VCLT: A Critique of Philip Morris v. Uruguay
Indian courts and bilateral investment treaty arbitration
Covid-19, India, and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS): will India be able to defend its public health measures?
National Security Exception in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and India-Pakistan Trade
‘Necessary’ in Non-Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Indian Contribution
Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs): Retribution to Restoration
Politics & International Studies
Quad Summit demonstrates group’s importance
Journey of Extradition Laws in India
Pacific arms race will impact marine life
Politics & International Studies
20 Years on, Why the Modi Juggernaut Keeps Rolling in India | Opinion
Investigating the impact of metaphors on citizens’ adoption of e-governance in developing countries: An empirical study
ICT as “Knowledge Management” for Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Supply Chains
Technological interventions in social business: Mapping current research and establishing future research agenda
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Mitigate risks in perishable food supply chains: Learning from COVID-19
Moving towards a sustainable and innovative city: Internal urban traffic accessibility and high-level innovation based on platform monitoring data
Dams have an impact on environmental health
Politics & International Studies
Russia, China and EU Are Pushing Towards De-Dollarization: Will India Follow?
Philosophy, Politics & International Studies