Politics & International Studies
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Enforcing Arbitral Awards against States and the Defence of Sovereign Immunity from Execution
Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Crude oil and stock market co-movement: Evidence from G7 and BRICS nations
Politics & International Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis: Is India Repeating the Mistakes Made by Rajapaksas?
Politics & International Studies
(Re)constructing borders through the governance of tourism and trade in Ladakh, India
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
India–ASEAN relations: the initiatives, successes, and challenges
Delhi High Court’s Split Verdict on Marital Rape Shows Our Idea of Marriage Needs Review
‘Belling the cat’: Judicial discipline in India
Politics & International Studies
Electoral systems and representation
The counterfeit degree certificate: application of blockchain technology in higher education in India
Lord Ram’s Own Sethu: Adam’s Bridge envisaged as an aquapelago
Africa and the Domestic Implementation of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols: Problems and Solutions
An analytical study of the human rights concerns before the CAS with reference to Caster Semenya
Opinion: India needs parliamentary supervision of trade pacts
From Victim to Criminality: Understanding Sex Trafficking Within the Walls of Sex Work – Victimization of Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Social Policy & Administration