Author: Staff
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Effect of social capital on agribusiness diversification intention in the emerging market
Leveraging big data analytics capabilities in making reverse logistics decisions and improving remanufacturing performance
Reviving the globalization and poverty debate: Effects of real and financial integration on the developing world
Politics & International Studies
The emergence of a binary world order
India’s ‘early harvest’ trade deals could run into trouble
Children as court witnesses: Compassion needed to protect minors from trauma
The moral hazard headache
Early warning systems for floods and international law
Environmental Sciences, Social Policy & Administration
Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in three mangrove species and human health risk due to their ethnobotanical uses
Development Studies, Environmental Sciences
Humanitarian WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) technologies: exploring recovery after recurring disasters in Assam, India
Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Climate-Induced Mass Relocation in Fiji
Environmental Sciences, Law & Legal Studies
India: Cities Take the Lead in Climate Change Governance
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Fallen Envoy: The Rise and Fall of Astronaut in International Space Law
Law, gender identity, and the uses of human rights: The paradox of recognition in South Asia
Dicey and the Brick Maker: An Unresolved Tension Between the Rational and the Reasonable in Common Law Pedagogy
What the Centipede Knows: Polycentricity and ‘Theory’ for Common Lawyers
Social Policy & Administration
Protecting caste livelihoods on the western coast of India: an intersectional analysis of Udupi’s fisherwomen
Social Policy & Administration