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Trademark rights-infringing comparative advertising in India
Contemporary Challenges of Online Copyright Enforcement in India
Interference proceedings and innovation goals of the CRISPR-Cas9 patent
Nothing ‘mere’ to it: Reclaiming subjective accounts of normativity of law
Mos Geometricus and the common law mind: Interrogating contract theory
Social Policy & Administration
A Million Winslows: Private liability of universities for ragging in India
The happy and anxious lives of (feminist) legal scholarship: An interview with Prabha Kotiswaran
What if Discipline Is Not Interdisciplinary? The Case of Social Psychology in India
The Treatment of religious attire by courts and international fora reveals the need for new justifications for religious freedom beyond personal autonomy
Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: The Dangers of Global and Local Ontologies in Scientific Metaphysics
Beyond the Post Normal
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Leveraging Text Mining for Trend Analysis and Comparison of Sustainability Reports: Evidence from Fortune 500 Companies
Crossroad of intellectual property rights of technology innovators and human rights: a systematic literature review
Book: Placing the Frontier in British North-East India: Law, Custom, and Knowledge
Politics & International Studies
US-China Rivalry and the Changing Geopolitics of the Middle East
Supreme Court must use cases pending against UAPA to examine its scope
Politics & International Studies
UNSC Permanent Membership for India – Mission Impossible?
Politics & International Studies