Law & Legal Studies, Trending Research
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Disruptive innovation in healthcare: A review and future research agendas
Moore’s Paradox and Normative Detachment
Politics & International Studies
The US-Asean Summit and role of the Philippines
Finding the right balance between sanctions and rights
The extreme right as a defender of human rights? Parliamentary debates on COVID-19 emergency legislation in Slovakia
Balancing the privacy v. surveillance argument: A perspective from the United Kingdom
Social Policy & Administration
How the vision of ‘One Nation’ suppresses alternative voices
Politics & International Studies
Why US-China tensions may lead to strategic instability
Indianizing English teaching curricula for a better cultural affinity
The warning of an ambush: Disarming and appeasing activist shareholders
Social Policy & Administration
Fertility targets: Linkages between desire for sons and sterilization in India
Blockchain technology: a solution to address the challenges faced by the international travellers
Right to Health and Gender-Affirmative Procedure in the Transgender Persons Act 2019 in India
Hook-up culture among young Indian adults in Indian metropolitan cities
A deep neural network-based approach for fake news detection in regional language
Sustainability of CEO and Employee Compensation Divide: Evidence from USA
Politics & International Studies
India-Pakistan peace efforts: The Silent Crusaders
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research