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Keki Daruwalla’s ‘Swerving to Solitude’: Attacking Emergency with a Sheathed Sword
Mass Tort Jurisprudence and Critical Epistemologies of Risk: Dissolution of Public–Private Divide in the Indian Mass Tort Law
Tishani Doshi’s ‘The Pleasure Seekers’: Exploring limits of acculturation
The construction of knowledge on ‘quality’ in higher education: A study of universities’ websites in India
Social Policy & Administration
‘Ambedkar’s Constitution’: A Radical Phenomenon in Anti-Caste Discourse?
Social Policy & Administration
Gender gap in schooling: Is there a role for health insurance?
Book: The Courage to Exist: A Philosophy of Life and Death in the Age of Coronavirus
Social Policy & Administration
Becoming equals: the meaning and practice of gender equality in an Islamic feminist movement in India
Social Policy & Administration
Book: Legal Rights of the Poor – Foundations of Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity
Politics & International Studies
Taiwan: Fighting isolation and in search of allies
Budget 2022-23: With the economy in a crisis, Centre should consider a Covid tax on the ultra-rich
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The value of vagueness: A feminist analysis
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Freedom of Speech and Expression Versus the Glorification of Acts of Terrorism: Defining Limits in the Indian context
Indian Competition Law in the Digital Markets: An Overview of National Case Law
Enforcement of Emergency Arbitrator Decisions: Dream or Reality? The French Perspective
Accounting & Finance, Business & Management Studies
Time series momentum trading in green stocks
Politics & International Studies
Tracing the link between China’s concept of sovereignty and military aggression
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research