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Cab-sharing services and transformation expectations of consumers: the moderating role of materialism
Open grazing legislations and the protection of ethnic minority rights in Nigeria
Social Policy & Administration
Historic Legacy of Untouchability and Caste Enslavement: A Case of Reparative Justice
Migration, Exile, and Homecoming in the Book of Ruth
Politics & International Studies
Shanghai protests: The people vs the party
Politics & International Studies
‘India moving in centripetal direction is bad news for China, Pakistan; provocation would incur heavy costs’
Need for a National Legislation on Refugees in India at 75
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Agricultural growth and distress in India’s post-liberalization era
Price discovery in emerging commodity markets: Spot and futures relationship in Indian commodity futures market
Social Policy & Administration
Authenticated and Privacy Ensured Smart Governance Framework for Smart City Administration
Social Policy & Administration
Production of land for real estate markets in the suburban area of chennai metropolis: The case of Sriperumbudur-oragadam region
Politics & International Studies
Book: Financing for development 2030 global agenda and post Covid 19 challenges
Social Policy & Administration
Rural-urban spatial inequality in water and sanitation facilities in India: A cross-sectional study from household to national level
Post Sars-Cov-2 Urban India: Computing Air Quality Health Indicators (Aqhi) for Gurugram City to Assess Imminent Threats to Public Health
Groundwater-sourced irrigation and agro-power subsidies: Boon or bane for small/marginal farmers in India?
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research