Category: Business & Management Studies
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Why do informal markets remain informal: the role of tacit knowledge in an Indian footwear cluster
Government regulations in cyber security: Framework, standards and recommendations
Do altruistic and egoistic values influence consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards eco-friendly packaged products? An empirical investigation
Accounting & Finance, Business & Management Studies
Why a bad bank needs a sunset clause
Foreign Product Preference among Indian Consumers: The Role of Product Reviews, Word of Mouth and Quality of Shared Information
International trade is not a zero-sum game
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Critical success factors influencing artificial intelligence adoption in food supply chains
A fuzzy based hybrid decision framework to circularity in dairy supply chains through big data solutions
The role of organizational culture and voluntariness in the adoption of artificial intelligence for disaster relief operations
Exploring human resource work design, learning mechanism and TQM: through the lens of activity theory and contextual learning theory
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences
Economic growth, trade, human development and emissions in BRIC countries
Investigating the impact of metaphors on citizens’ adoption of e-governance in developing countries: An empirical study
ICT as “Knowledge Management” for Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Supply Chains
Technological interventions in social business: Mapping current research and establishing future research agenda
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Mitigate risks in perishable food supply chains: Learning from COVID-19
Business & Management Studies, Politics & International Studies
Exploring the Impacts of Economic Corridors on South Asian Countries
Business & Management Studies, Education & Training
Knowledge hiding in academia: an empirical study of Indian higher education students
Business & Management Studies, Sociology
Localizing taste: using metaphors to understand loctural consumptionscapes
Business & Management Studies, Communication & Media Studies