Category: Business & Management Studies
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Examining the Effects of Industry 4.0 Adoption, Information Acquisition Capability, and Organizational Ambidexterity on Innovation and Circular Economy Performance
Revisiting the Productivity Paradox: What is Next for the BRICS and European Banking Systems?
Engaging firms and populations in ecosystem web: deploying a multi-paradigmatic construct to resolve pluralism in organizational theory
Information and communication technology and female employment in India
Impact of EV disruption on auto-ancillary sector: Exploring resilience enablers for long-term sustainability
Big Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance in Smart Grids and Energy Management Systems
Inventory Management Activities Determinants Post IT Applications in Indian Sugar Supply Chain
The Impact of Promoter on Firm Value: Evidence from Emerging Economies
Emotion as Cause, Effect, Mediator, and Moderator in Marketing: An Integrative Review and Future Research Directions
Business & Management Studies, Economics
Sectoral Performance of ESG Enabled Stocks during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Indian Stock Market
How consumer trust affects the adoption of e-healthcare products on mobile apps: an analysis of perceived usefulness, time, and price
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences