Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
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The evolution and influence of international environmental norms
Creating a carbon trading market for vehicular pollution between private individuals
The Deteriorating Arctic and the Impact of the Shipping Industry
Access to justice on environmental matters: extraterritorial enforcement of environmental rights
Social Policy & Administration
A Policy Rate Channel Testing of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
Candidate selection in India: Municipal elections and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Business & Management Studies, Law & Legal Studies
The Hindenburg Report on Adani—A Case to Revisit Minimum Public Shareholding Requirements
Politics & International Studies
Vicious Cycle of Economic Slowdown in South Asia
Social Policy & Administration
Call for Compensation
Charge sheet scrutiny is not a case of prying eyes
Politics & International Studies
How an Indo-Bhutan Border Market Has Moved Beyond Narratives of Conflict and Security
Politics & International Studies
Why use balloons for spying instead of satellites
Rahul Gandhi’s labours of Hercules have just begun
Politics & International Studies
China and the revision of the existing world order
Psychological distress and quality of community life among migratory construction workers in India
An Empirical Study of Ancient Wisdom: Effect of Anasakti (Non-Attachment) and Ahamkara (Ego) on Well-Being Amongst Indians
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Drivers to mitigate climate change in context of manufacturing industry: An emerging economy study
Metaethics and the Limits of Normative Contract Theory
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research