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All that happened inside the happening: Fear, law and politics after the police encounter at Batla House, New Delhi
Politics & International Studies
In India and Israel, a Common Threat to Judicial Independence – and to Democracy
Social Policy & Administration
Why India’s Net Exports Have Fallen While It Fails to Overcome Import Dependence
“What is a ‘very severe cyclone’ please”? Uncovering knowledge and communication gaps in climate resilience realities
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Mental health of Indian LGBT+ community: role of coping self-efficacy and social inclusion
Making a Case for Teaching Caste and Gender in Law Schools
Evaluating the Virtual Reference Services in a University Library
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Sustainable supplier selection in a construction company: a new MCDM method based on dominance-based rough set analysis
Evaluation of EEG Oscillatory Patterns and Classification of Compound Limb Tactile Imagery
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration
An interpretive model to assess the barriers to ocean energy toward blue economic development in India
Locating Indian Imprint in Contemporary Indian English Literature
Teaching during COVID- 19 pandemic in India: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of faculty’s perceptions and experiences
A mini review on emotional socialization practices and emotional development
The systematic medical appraisal, referral and treatment (SMART) mental health programme: Formative research informing a cluster randomized controlled trial
Mobile Financial Services (MFS) regulation in Bangladesh
Politics & International Studies
The Dilemma of Technocracy
Social Policy & Administration
Democratisation of media crucial to solve Maoist issue
Politics & International Studies
Why Thailand Election result is significant for ASEAN and beyond
Environmental Sciences, Politics & International Studies