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The Perilously Racist Carceral System in America and Its Perpetuation of Police Brutality against Black People
Politics & International Studies
Dominant party rule, development and the rise of Hindu nationalism in West Bengal
SWOT analysis of teaching process at universities during COVID-19 pandemic
Fidelity, Male Privilege and the Sanctity of Marriage: Examining the Decriminalization of Adultery in India
Theory of Climate Justice and the Burden of Responsibilities
Impact of ethical certifications and product involvement on consumers decision to purchase ethical products at price premiums in an emerging market context
Social Policy & Administration
The Smell of Caste: Leatherwork and Scientific Knowledge in Colonial India
Dataset on human rights awareness in Northwest Nigeria
Social Policy & Administration
COVID-19: An Unexpected Thrust for E-Governance Adoption – A Protection Motivation Theory-Based Research
The Right to Privacy and Access to Abortion in a Post-Puttaswamy World
Gamification and gigification: A multidimensional theoretical approach
Rising internet shutdowns in India: A legal analysis
Social Policy & Administration
Technology-enabled knowledge management for community healthcare workers: The effects of knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding
Another prisoners’ dilemma: Voting rights of the incarcerated
Interpretive Principles in Reading the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
Stubble burning is not the only culprit
Politics & International Studies
Get To Business
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
How does convenience impact showrooming intention? Omnichannel retail strategies to manage global retail apocalypse
Social Policy & Administration