Social Policy & Administration
Category: Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
Anchored in the Barren: The Case of Pune’s Janata Vasahat
Social Policy & Administration
Why are the struggles of India’s urban poor fragmented?
Social Policy & Administration
Whether in India or the UK, discrimination begins in school
Politics & International Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The misery of the refugee at the end of the vaccine queue
Social Policy & Administration
Movement allies: towards an analytical re-classification of civil rights groups in India
Social Policy & Administration, Sociology
How Do Indian States Measure Up In Providing Access to Basic Social and Economic Services?
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The need for healthcare reforms: is no-fault liability the solution to medical malpractice?
Politics & International Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Before CBI probe into West Bengal violence, let’s define the ‘post-poll’ period
Environmental Sciences, Social Policy & Administration
Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in three mangrove species and human health risk due to their ethnobotanical uses
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Fallen Envoy: The Rise and Fall of Astronaut in International Space Law
Social Policy & Administration
Protecting caste livelihoods on the western coast of India: an intersectional analysis of Udupi’s fisherwomen
Social Policy & Administration
Effectiveness of government strategies for financial protection against costs of hospitalization care in India
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Impossibility of Marital Rape: Contestations Around Marriage, Sex, Violence and the Law in Contemporary India
Social Policy & Administration
The Dowry Gift in South Asia: An Institution on the Intersection of Market and Patriarchy
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Current Overviews on COVID-19 Management Strategies
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Understanding Domestic Violence in India During COVID-19: a Routine Activity Approach
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Ambient air pollution in selected small cities in India: Observed trends and future challenges
Politics & International Studies, Social Policy & Administration
“Wake up for education”: colonialism, social transformation, and the beginnings of the anti-caste movement in India
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration