Social Policy & Administration
Category: Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
‘Ambedkar’s Constitution’: A Radical Phenomenon in Anti-Caste Discourse?
Social Policy & Administration
Gender gap in schooling: Is there a role for health insurance?
Social Policy & Administration
Becoming equals: the meaning and practice of gender equality in an Islamic feminist movement in India
Social Policy & Administration
Book: Legal Rights of the Poor – Foundations of Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The value of vagueness: A feminist analysis
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Freedom of Speech and Expression Versus the Glorification of Acts of Terrorism: Defining Limits in the Indian context
Social Policy & Administration
How a Strike 40 Years Ago Dismantled Workers’ Claim Over Mumbai, Hastened its Gentrification
Social Policy & Administration
Associations Between Religious/Spiritual Practices and Well-Being in Indian Elderly Rural Women
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Users’ response toward online doctor consultation platforms: SOR approach
Social Policy & Administration
Appraisal of WaSH (Water-Sanitation-Hygiene) Infrastructure using a Composite Index, Spatial Algorithms and Sociodemographic Correlates in Rural India
Social Policy & Administration
A mindful path to the COVID-19 pandemic: an approach to promote physical distancing behaviour
Social Policy & Administration
India’s social policy response to Covid-19: Temporary relief in a rigid welfare landscape
Environmental Sciences, Social Policy & Administration
Disaster-induced Internal Displacement in India in 2020: A Review
Social Policy & Administration
Why Prashant Kishor’s brand of depoliticised politics stands small chance against BJP-RSS juggernaut
Social Policy & Administration
Talking Crime and Aggression: Tourism and Governance in Agra, India
Social Policy & Administration
No Room for Dissent: Domesticating WhatsApp, Digital Private Spaces, and Lived Democracy in India
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
E-governance using mobile applications: A case study of India during the COVID-19 pandemic
Social Policy & Administration
Transitioning to an obese India: Demographic and structural determinants of the rapid rise in overweight incidence
Social Policy & Administration