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Politics & International Studies
The China Factor in Vietnam’s View of India
World Environmental Health Day: Green issues need to be actively taught in schools, universities
Libraries rescue education in rural Karnataka
Hijab ban: Before court judges the practice of a religion, it must understand tradition of a faith
Politics & International Studies
The Global South’s assertion in geopolitics
Alternative green livelihood initiatives: an effective way to achieve the sustainable development goals at disaster vulnerable, Indian Sundarbans
Framing the Fifth Schedule: Tribal agency and the making of the Indian Constitution (1937–1950)
The Impact of Investment Treaties on the Rule of Law in India
The Role of Judicial Craft in Improving Democracy’s Resilience: The Case of Party Bans in Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia
Politics & International Studies
Why the world is keenly waiting for Chinese Communist Party’s 20th national congress
Politics & International Studies
What Should be the Next Steps as India Moves to be a Defence Exporter
Politics & International Studies
Russia’s continued defiance of international law
Politics & International Studies
Biden’s Marijuana Pardons: A Game-changer?
Social Policy & Administration
India and Inequality: As RSS Flags It Too, Will BJP Govt Bridge the Rising Gap?
Social Policy & Administration
Can India’s Economy Riding High in Financial Inclusion Cope-Up with Inflation?
This year’s Economics Nobel prize for research about the 1930s holds key lessons for current crisis
Ambidexterity and absorptive capacity in boundary-spanning managers: Role of paradox mindset and learning goal orientation
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research