Author: Staff
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Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Drivers to mitigate climate change in context of manufacturing industry: An emerging economy study
Metaethics and the Limits of Normative Contract Theory
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Time and Frequency Connectedness Among Emerging Markets and QGREEN, FinTech and Artificial Intelligence-Based Index: Lessons from the Outbreak of COVID-19
Altruistic Preference and Crime Perception
Beyond the technology-centric and citizen-centric binary: Ontological politics of organizing in Translation of the Smart City Discourse in India
Modelling of critical success factors for blockchain technology adoption readiness in the context of agri-food supply chain
If they rise, will we fall? Social identity uncertainty and preference for collective victimhood rhetoric
Geotourism Potential of the Bhiar Dhar Cave, Uttarakhand Himalaya
Determination of environmental compensation: The art of living case
Politics & International Studies