Enhanced flexibility structure and adaptability skills in the supply chain (SC), increased IT capability, and integration of digital technologies into the SC process are the key components for achieving high SC resilience, sustainability, and smartness in the food SCs. This
Muruvvet Deniz Sezer, Business Administration Department, Yasar University, İzmir, Turkey.
Yigit Kazancoglu, Logistics Management Department, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey.
Sachin Kumar Mangla, Operations Management, Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India; Knowledge Management & Business Decision Making, University of Plymouth, UK.
Çisem Lafçı, Logistics Management Department, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey.
Food systems include dynamic and complex networks made up of all the actors, processes, and infrastructures, as well as their interactions. Because of the growing supply chain’s (SC) vulnerability, fragility, and operational disturbances, managing disruptions has become a crucial problem in the food SC. Thus, companies aim to improve their resilience to deal with unexpected conditions. Thus, this study aims to analyze and frame the food SC’s resilience, sustainability, and smartness considering different causal conditions (e.g., digital technology adaption, providing traceability, and enhancing collaboration).
This study also analyzes the numerous and complex linkages between outcome and causal variables. Thus, this study includes data on the food industry operating in Turkey. The Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis has been used to analyze different companies’ data. SC resilience performance conditions have been determined and analyzed.
According to the result of this study, it can be said that enhanced flexibility structure and adaptability skills in the SC, increased IT capability, and integration of digital technologies into the SC process are the key components for achieving high SC resilience, sustainability, and smartness in the food SCs. This study suggests various implications for policymakers and managers in the food SCs.
Published in: Business Strategy and the Environment
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