In Kiran Desai’s acclaimed novel ‘The Inheritance of Loss,’ home, as a concept, provides the structural kingpin to the narrative.
Jagdish Batra, Professor and Additional Director, English Language Centre, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
The concepts of home and habitat have acquired an added significance in our times perhaps as opposition to the increasing rootlessness and homelessness of modern times. While this may be re-awakening in the West, in India it has continued to be important as the old and the new co-exist in a unique way here.
In literature too, these concepts are being taken up. In Kiran Desai’s acclaimed novel ‘The Inheritance of Loss’, home, as a concept, provides the structural kingpin to the narrative.
The present paper deals with this function of the sentimental notion and argues the importance of home in Indian scenario. Home is linked to a compulsive primary urge for a safe exclusive territorial niche to which, every living creator aspires.
Home means comfort and convenience at the physical level as well as the emotional level. A person who does not have home knows its value.
Published in: Journal of the Odisha Association for English Studies
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