The findings indicate that decision-makers must pay significant attention to circular economy practices.
Anchal Patil, International Management Institute New Delhi, India.
Vipulesh Shardeo, FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India.
Ashish Dwivedi, Professor, Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
Md. Abdul Moktadir, Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Surajit Bag, Research Center, Léonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire, 92 916 Paris, La Défense, France.
Rapid industrialization and global supply chains have magnified industrial activities’ carbon footprint, resulting in environmental hazards. Several countries have magnified their efforts to reach carbon neutrality goals. The increased attention to carbon-neutral goals has been enabled by United Nations (UN) calls for a carbon-neutral economy. In this context, supply chains will have greater responsibilities to reduce the network’s carbon footprint. To achieve carbon neutrality goals, decision-makers must be well-informed and facilitated with suitable theoretical frameworks. In literature, the adoption of intelligent technologies is suggested to construct efficient and smart supply chains.
However, there are uncertainties regarding the impact of this transformation on the carbon neutrality goal. The present study caters to the uncertainties by discussing its potential impact on carbon neutrality goals and how to use adopted technologies to achieve the same. A list of 11 potential strategies is identified and modelled to provide a strategic roadmap for smart supply chains’ adoption. The proposed framework aims to facilitate carbon neutrality goals.
The findings indicate that decision-makers must pay significant attention to circular economy practices. Additionally, green transportation is an impactful area with significant potential to support carbon neutrality goals. Critical insights have been extracted regarding stakeholders’ training and process innovation. The study findings can help decision-makers achieve carbon neutrality goals.
Published in: Business Strategy and the Environment
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