This article proposes a renewed understanding of resistance and in doing so, attempts to recover and recast notions of vulnerability and resilience as useful variables that we, in fact, inherit from existing feminist epistemological groundings.
Upasana Mahanta, Professor, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
Gargi Bharadwaj, Associate Professor, Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Sonepat.
Everyday acts of resilience of ordinary women do not necessarily aim to overthrow existing hierarchies and gendered oppressions. The article proposes a renewed understanding of resistance and in doing so, attempts to recover and recast notions of vulnerability and resilience as useful variables that we, in fact, inherit from existing feminist epistemological groundings.
How does feminist scholarship engage with narratives that overlie vulnerabilities and contextual specificities, unable to be accommodated easily within the “sights” and “sites” of feminist resistance?
Published in: Economic and Political Weekly
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