By making public the death and the carcass of the sacred cow in the aftermath of the caste atrocity and violence perpetuated at Una, Gujarat in 2016, Dalit politics has inserted the death of sacred into the conversation on caste and the nation.
Shivani Kapoor, Associate Professor, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
The chapter revisits the episode of caste atrocity and violence perpetuated at Una, Gujarat in 2016 to examine the conversations and the politics which this event triggered.
The chapter argues that by making public the death and the carcass of the sacred cow in the aftermath of this violent event, Dalit politics has inserted the death of sacred into the conversation on caste and the nation.
Published in: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India, Routledge.
To read the full chapter, please click here.