Social Policy & Administration
Category: Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
Deepening democracy through a social movement: Networks, information rights, and online and offline activism
Social Policy & Administration
Chilli powder and resistance: Mirch Masala, Shaheen Bagh, and the politics of space
Social Policy & Administration
‘Not like me’: educational aspirations and mothering in an urban poor neighbourhood in India
Social Policy & Administration
Poor Wages, Gruelling Work: Plight of Haryana Anganwadi Workers Who Protested for Four Months
Social Policy & Administration
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in India and the potential for statelessness in situ: a cautionary tale from Assam
Social Policy & Administration
Review of problem structuring methods and its application in understanding the housing needs of slum dwellers in India
Social Policy & Administration
The tragedy of vaccine nationalism in the covid-19 pandemic
Social Policy & Administration
Historic Legacy of Untouchability and Caste Enslavement: A Case of Reparative Justice
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Agricultural growth and distress in India’s post-liberalization era
Social Policy & Administration
Authenticated and Privacy Ensured Smart Governance Framework for Smart City Administration
Social Policy & Administration
Production of land for real estate markets in the suburban area of chennai metropolis: The case of Sriperumbudur-oragadam region
Social Policy & Administration
Rural-urban spatial inequality in water and sanitation facilities in India: A cross-sectional study from household to national level
Social Policy & Administration
Informal collectives and access to healthcare during India’s COVID-19 second wave crisis
Social Policy & Administration
The relationship between body mass index and blood pressure: A study among school going children of Rajasthan, India
Social Policy & Administration
Hijab verdict will only push Muslim women further to the margins
Social Policy & Administration
Closing time
Social Policy & Administration
Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP) in Fragile and Conflict-affected Areas (FCAS)
Social Policy & Administration
The pandemic and the Tibetan students
Social Policy & Administration