Category: Environmental Sciences
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Arctic squabbles must end to ensure eco-balance
Has the time come for a dedicated Indian Environment Services within the civil services?
Environmental Sciences, Politics & International Studies
Environmental fallout of the Ukraine war
Gender, disasters and climate: Case of internal displacement in Assam, India
Book: Fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals: On a Quest for a Sustainable World
Urban floodplains must become biodiversity parks
Dynamics of salinity intrusion in the surface and ground water of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India
Post Sars-Cov-2 Urban India: Computing Air Quality Health Indicators (Aqhi) for Gurugram City to Assess Imminent Threats to Public Health
Groundwater-sourced irrigation and agro-power subsidies: Boon or bane for small/marginal farmers in India?
Unpacking land degradation neutrality (LDN), an emerging paradigm to conserve land systems’ sustainability in the 21st century? Meta-analysis of challenges and opportunities
Urban greenery for air pollution control: a meta-analysis of current practice, progress, and challenges
Policies needed to curb petrochemical usage
Land use management is vital to save arable land
Green Courts: The Way Forward?
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences
Milk will drive methane emissions in India
Geochemistry, Extent of Pollution, and Ecological Impact of Heavy Metal Pollutants in Soil
Environmental Sciences, Politics & International Studies
Islands in turmoil
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences