Category: Development Studies
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WTO fishing subsidies: India for balance between conservation and development
Institutional quality and health outcomes: evidence from the EU countries
Street vending in urban ‘informal’ markets: Reflections from case-studies of street vendors in Delhi (India) and Phnom Penh City (Cambodia)
Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Crude oil and stock market co-movement: Evidence from G7 and BRICS nations
Time series analysis of rainfall for the state of Odisha
Role of debt in emerging economies: a re-examination of the debt-growth nexus
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Agricultural growth and distress in India’s post-liberalization era
What (if anything) can economic anthropology say to neoliberal development? Toward new anthropologies of capitalism and its alternatives
Who’s your neighbour? Social influences on domestic violence.
Development Studies, Environmental Sciences
Humanitarian WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) technologies: exploring recovery after recurring disasters in Assam, India
Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Climate-Induced Mass Relocation in Fiji
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Understanding Domestic Violence in India During COVID-19: a Routine Activity Approach
Development Studies, Social Policy & Administration