Category: Business & Management Studies
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Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Extending the story of IS success: A meta-analytic investigation of contingency factors at individual and organisational levels
Business & Management Studies, Psychology
Ethical fibre and psychological contract of social entrepreneurs
The Role of Social Relationships in Learning from Job Rotations
Challenging experiences: recommendations for promoting individual development
The paradoxical consequences of leader feedback seeking for subordinates: a theoretical framework
Exploring Relationships Between Family Firms’ Market Orientation and Innovation: Proposition of a Conceptual Framework
The impact of market orientation on small firm performance: a configurational approach
Accounting & Finance, Business & Management Studies
COVID, Taxes & Russia: What Lies Ahead for India’s Soaring Fuel Prices?
Probabilistic patents, alternative damage rules, and optimal tariffs
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences
Milk will drive methane emissions in India
Business planning and big data, budget modelling upgrade through data science
Knowledge hiding, conscientiousness, loneliness and affective commitment: a moderated mediation model
Promotion of green products on Facebook: insights from millennials
Impact of brand nostalgia on intention to purchase brand extensions: moderating role of brand attachment
Does time perspective influence knowledge hiding? Empirical evidence from Indian employees
Securing health should have been a priority this Budget
Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences
‘Right to repair’ key to circular economy
Role of Long-term Bank Credit in the Economic Growth of India
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research