Category: Business & Management Studies
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Demographic variables as moderators between QWL and OCB
Mapping the human resource focused enablers with sustainability viewpoints in Indian power sector
Antecedents and Consequences of Sustainable Human Resource Management: Empirical Evidence from India
Transformational leadership and knowledge sharing behavior in freelancers: A moderated mediation model with employee engagement and social support
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Satisfaction from romantic relationship and social media usage: Mediating role of self-disclosure and CMC motives
Effects of business model innovation on corporate sustainability: intervening role of organisational learning and strategic flexibility
Social Participation among the Elderly: Moderated Mediation Model of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
TCALAS: Temporal Credential-Based Anonymous Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Internet of Drones Environment
Certificate-Based Anonymous Device Access Control Scheme for IoT Environment
Liquidity-adjusted CAPM — An empirical analysis on Indian stock market
Quantification of social cost at product price-level for urban freight: a study of industrial products
Signaling effects and the role of culture: movies in international auxiliary channels
A new approach to decision prioritization: case for healthcare decision-makers
BRICS: Information Asymmetry in Primary Equity Markets
Corporate governance challenges in Indian banks: A public affairs perspective
An exploration of issues affecting consumer purchase decisions towards eco-friendly brands
Assessing retailer readiness to use blockchain technology to improve supply chain performance
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research