The results show that perceived performance risk, perceived financial risk, perceived psychological risk, and technological uncertainty influence the behavioral intention to adopt smart home technologies.
Justin Joy, School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University) University, Bangalore, India.
S. Srinath, School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University) University, Bangalore, India.
Ravinder Kumar Verma, Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
Manish Kumar Shrivastava, School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University) University, Bangalore, India.
Smart home technologies (SHT) are critical for effectively managing homes in a digital society. However, SHTs face challenges related to their limited use in developing country contexts. This study investigates the factors that act as barriers to SHT adoption among individuals in Bengaluru, India. The roles of perceived risk, performance and after-sale service, and demographics in using smart home technologies (SHT).
This study used the data from the primary survey of 133 respondents. The collected data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results supported five of the proposed hypotheses, namely, perceived performance risk, perceived financial risk, perceived psychological risk, and technological uncertainty, which influence the Behavioral intention to adopt SHT.
However, service intangibility is influenced by performance risk. Income and age influence the psychological risk and adoption of SHT. The study identifies the barriers to SHT adoption. The supportive environment for SHT needs to be strengthened to reduce the associated risks.
Published in: Sharma, S.K., Dwivedi, Y.K., Metri, B., Lal, B., Elbanna, A. (eds) Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies. TDIT 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 698. Springer, Cham.
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