Social Policy & Administration
Author: Staff
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Politics & International Studies
Trans Pacific Partnership in the post-Covid world
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Dynamics of corporate governance mechanisms – family firms’ performance relationship- a meta-analytic review
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Improved COVID-19 detection with chest x-ray images using deep learning
Loving the enemy app: Resistance versus professionalism in ‘post-TikTok’ India
The Regulation, Reclamation, and Resistance of Queer Kinship in Contemporary India
The Future of Hiring Through Artificial Intelligence by Human Resource Managers in India
Neoliberalism in Asia: Under the Lens of Land Acquisition for Development in India and China
Major Differences in Minors’ Contracts: A Comparative Analysis into the Validity of Contracts with Minors in the Sport and Entertainment Industry
The Nexus between Liquidity Creation and Capital: Evidence from Indian Banks
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Examining the success of women of color-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States: A system dynamics perspective
A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of eWOM credibility: Investigation of moderating role of culture and platform type
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Does increased credibility of elections lead to higher political competition? Evidence from India
Nano Clay-Polymer Composite for Water Treatment
Politics & International Studies
Decline of political Islam as a national ideology in Saudi Arabia has implications for the Islamic world
A Reference to the ICJ for an Advisory Opinion over COVID-19 Pandemic
Meet GISAID, the Open Science Database Helping Us Make Sense of COVID-19
What Does International Law Say About Remission Granted to Bilkis Bano’s Rapists?
Which is better, Book smart or Street smart?
Social Policy & Administration