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Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Study of the interplay among internal and external barriers to GSCM in the Indian leather industry using the total ISM and MICMAC methodology
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Impact of AI and COVID-19 on manufacturing systems: An Asia Pacific Perspective on the two Competing exigencies
Business & Management Studies, Social Policy & Administration
Public policy and strategic business recommendations to accelerate adoption of stationary battery energy storage systems (BESS) in India
Business & Management Studies, Psychology
Workplace well-being: making a case for “psychological” diversity and inclusion
Business & Management Studies, Law & Legal Studies
Driverless cars and the determination of the manufacturer’s liability for injuries: Is India ready?
Being unconventional: The impact of unconventional packaging messages on impulsive purchases
“Perveen Mistry investigates”: representing the first Indian female lawyer in fiction
Does learning from innovation failure enhance innovation performance? A quantitative investigation of small businesses
Financial development and the energy net-zero transformation potential
Influence of teacher innovative behaviour on students’ academic self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation
Assessment of Barriers to Canal Irrigation Efficiency for Sustainable Harnessing of Irrigation Potential
Law & Legal Studies, Politics & International Studies
Post War Justice: Jus Post Bellum for Just War and Peace
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Can Masstige brands be introduced in the B2B markets? An exploratory study
Technological innovation toward sustainability in manufacturing organizations: A circular economy perspective
Critiquing the U.S. characterization, attribution and retaliation laws and policies for cyberattacks
The Power of Intergenerational Partnership: Students, Universities, and SDG17
Between longing and belonging: home, homemaking and diasporas
Financial behavior and financial fragility
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research