Author: Staff
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Children as court witnesses: Compassion needed to protect minors from trauma
The moral hazard headache
Early warning systems for floods and international law
Environmental Sciences, Social Policy & Administration
Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in three mangrove species and human health risk due to their ethnobotanical uses
Development Studies, Environmental Sciences
Humanitarian WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) technologies: exploring recovery after recurring disasters in Assam, India
Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Climate-Induced Mass Relocation in Fiji
Environmental Sciences, Law & Legal Studies
India: Cities Take the Lead in Climate Change Governance
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Fallen Envoy: The Rise and Fall of Astronaut in International Space Law
Law, gender identity, and the uses of human rights: The paradox of recognition in South Asia
Dicey and the Brick Maker: An Unresolved Tension Between the Rational and the Reasonable in Common Law Pedagogy
What the Centipede Knows: Polycentricity and ‘Theory’ for Common Lawyers
Social Policy & Administration
Protecting caste livelihoods on the western coast of India: an intersectional analysis of Udupi’s fisherwomen
Social Policy & Administration