Author: Staff
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National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam: within, without and beyond the law
Interrogating “light but tight” model of education: Saffron neoliberalism and India’s new education policy
Contemporary Indian museums as “feminist” spaces of care
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into India’s Legal Education Landscape: The What, Why and How of a Reform Paradigm
Predicting households’ attitudes and product adoption intentions
The experience of gerotranscendence in the Indian context
Examining tourists’ personality traits and dining-in/dining-out preferences. An approach-avoidance theory perspective
Aligning Development Aid toward Sustainable Development Goals: When and Where is Aid Effective on the Health Workforce?
Metaheuristic and Exact Approaches for Cost Optimization in Multi-Echelon Multimodal Transportation Network
Characterizing generative artificial intelligence applications: Text-mining-enabled technology roadmapping
Conscious entrepreneurship: An authentic narrative for entrepreneurial ventures
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited: the sustainability saga for delivering happiness
Asset Reconstruction Companies and Indian Banking
Social Policy & Administration
Beyond rhetoric: Transgender persons and socio-economic inclusion
Social Policy & Administration