Author: Staff
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A Critique of Amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act in India
Pandemic & the Eternal Wait: Has COVID Changed Our Idea of ‘Home’?
What stops children from disclosing sexual abuse: Perspectives from adults
Politics & International Studies
The Chinese concept of sovereignty and the India- China border dispute.
Who’s your neighbour? Social influences on domestic violence.
Sari, femininity, and wall art: A semiotic study of GuessWho’s street art in Bengaluru
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
In Spite of the Spite: An Indian View of China and India in BRICS
Foreign Product Preference among Indian Consumers: The Role of Product Reviews, Word of Mouth and Quality of Shared Information
Digital resilience in higher education in response to COVID-19 pandemic: Student Perceptions from Asia and Australia
Indians in London: From the Birth of the East India Company to Independent India
Social Policy & Administration
Whether in India or the UK, discrimination begins in school
International trade is not a zero-sum game
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Critical success factors influencing artificial intelligence adoption in food supply chains
Regional sea level changes in the Indian shelf sea and its association with SST anomalies
A fuzzy based hybrid decision framework to circularity in dairy supply chains through big data solutions
The role of organizational culture and voluntariness in the adoption of artificial intelligence for disaster relief operations
Exploring human resource work design, learning mechanism and TQM: through the lens of activity theory and contextual learning theory
Trade multilateralism at risk
Politics & International Studies