Politics & International Studies
Author: Staff
Page 120/151
Time series analysis of rainfall for the state of Odisha
Role of debt in emerging economies: a re-examination of the debt-growth nexus
Remote Sensing Data and International Ip Laws
Law & Legal Studies, Trending Research
Mixed Disputes
Law & Legal Studies, Trending Research
Admissibility of Counterclaims: The Practice of UNCLOS Tribunals
Hong Kong: How Beijing perfected repression
Oriental Dressings, Imperial Inhalations: The Indian Hookah in British Colonial Culture
“A Pre-requisite for Sustained Economic Growth in India”: Securing Property Rights through Blockchain-based Ledger Distribution Technology”
Social Policy & Administration
Review of problem structuring methods and its application in understanding the housing needs of slum dwellers in India
Social Policy & Administration
The tragedy of vaccine nationalism in the covid-19 pandemic
Consumer payment choice and the heterogeneous impact of India’s demonetization
Investigative Psychology Through a Forensic Victimology Perspective
Diasporic dilemma and fluid identities in Benyamin’s novel Jasmine Days
Customers’ relationship maintenance and loyalty intentions after a brand transgression: a moderated mediation approach
Cab-sharing services and transformation expectations of consumers: the moderating role of materialism
Open grazing legislations and the protection of ethnic minority rights in Nigeria
Social Policy & Administration
Historic Legacy of Untouchability and Caste Enslavement: A Case of Reparative Justice
Migration, Exile, and Homecoming in the Book of Ruth
Politics & International Studies