Author: Staff
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Simultaneous borrowing and saving in microfinance
Arsenic removal technologies for middle- and low-income countries to achieve the SDG-3 and SDG-6 targets: A review
Nuclear energy offers the best bang for the buck
Here Is Indian Economy’s Status Update Amidst a Global Slowdown
Social Media, Don’t Be Silly! Indian Economy Is Not Going the Sri Lanka Way
Social Policy & Administration
Original vision
Russia-Ukraine War and WTO’s National Security Exception
Minors’ Contracts in the Digital Age
The Hermeneutics of the Concept of Misrepresentation: Addressing the Quagmire of Damages and Compensation in Cases of Misrepresentation in Formation of a Contract Under Indian and English Law
Social Policy & Administration
Political campaigning in West Bengal: Violence, professionalisation, and communalisation
Examining procedural fairness in anti-doping disputes: a comparative empirical analysis
Politics & International Studies
The Use of The ASEAN Way in Resolving Disputes
Pagan multiplicity and ecological challenges
Politics & International Studies
Deepening Nepal-China Relations: A Shift in Nepal’s Foreign Policy in 2022 or Continuing with the Status Quo?
Politics & International Studies
Balancing Grand Strategy for America to Offset Thucydides’s Trap with China
Social Policy & Administration
Drones as a form of security: A critical analysis of targeted killings as a pre-emptive security
Protection of climate migrants from an international law perspective
Politics & International Studies