This paper looks at the interlinked contemporary concerns of labor, caste and gender within a neoliberal economy of India through the political lens provided by Luxemburg.
Jigisha Bhattacharya, Lecturer, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
The political and ideological legacy of Rosa Luxemburg has long been pondered upon by the leftist and progressive forces within India, in praxis as well as in theoretical precincts.
Her incisive works around the concerns of imperialism, capitalism and nationalism have resonated with the peculiar political formations in India in many ways.
However, historically she has not been as widely studied within the Indian leftist traditions as the male thinkers of her time, even when her writings reflected critically on the concerns of nationalism, imperialism and capitalism.
This paper, thus, looks at the interlinked contemporary concerns of labor, caste and gender within a neoliberal economy of India through the political lens provided by Luxemburg and her ideas regarding imperialism, nationalism and capitalism.
Published in: In Frank Jacob, Albert Scharenberg and Jörn Schütrumpf (ed.), Rosa Luxemburg Band 2: Nachwirken (pp.17-52) Marburg: Buchner Verlag.
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