Sunak’s meteoric rise should be placed in the context of growing self-confidence and self-expression among the Indian diaspora as a whole.
Sreeram Chaulia, Professor and Dean, Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA), O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana.
The success of Rishi Sunak, former British chancellor, at winning a place in the runoff to be the next leader of the U.K.’s ruling Conservative Party and the country’s next prime minister has triggered intense excitement and interest in India and among its 32 million-strong diaspora around the world.
The prospect of a young politician who hails from a family of Punjabi emigrants to East Africa and Britain making it to the top office of India’s former colonial master has tantalized observers.
While Sunak consistently led balloting among Conservative members of parliament, he faces tough competition in the upcoming runoff among party members from former cabinet colleague Liz Truss. But the historic possibility that he might be the next leader of the U.K. has struck a chord.
Sunak’s meteoric rise should not be viewed in isolation or as an exception attributable only to his individual talent and ability. Rather, it should be placed in the context of growing self-confidence and self-expression among the Indian diaspora as a whole.
Published in: Nikkei Asia
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