Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
Impact of Covid-19 on leisure consumption in the US
Gamification and neuromarketing: A unified approach for improving user experience
Contemplating and Visualizing Plagiarism Through a Bibliometric Study
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance and Financial Constraints in Indian Listed Firms
Interpretive Principles in Reading the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
Human-body Analogy Improves Mental Rotation Performance in People Aged 86 to 97 Years
A study of Artificial Intelligence impacts on Human Resource Digitalization in Industry 4.0
Enablers to computer vision technology for sustainable E-waste management
Why limiting deliberations to tackle climate challenges to G7 or G20 groups reflect lack of global ‘political will’
Where is corporate India in the marriage equality debate?
Politics & International Studies
India’s soft power diplomacy at Pacific Island nations
Politics & International Studies
Could fasting be a tool for political healing in Israel?
Politics & International Studies
New Parliament Building: A prelude to the inaugural
Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda
Social Policy & Administration
Sustainable resource management: A societal uncertainty perspective
Social Policy & Administration