India’s food import safety regime is hindered by opacity, regulatory gaps, and irregularities, undermining the country’s ability to ensure the safety of imported food articles.
Surbhi Kapur, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana, Sonipat, 131001, India
Nations across the world, including India, implement “food import control” measures to foster “food import safety.” In international agri-food trade and economics, food has been a seminal article of trade and “food safety,” a centrepiece of the regulatory authorities. However, opacity in the working of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, regulatory gaps, irregularities, and instances of regulatory arbitrage pose obstacles to India’s journey. The article attempts to elucidate the ambiguity and opacity surrounding the data that is not shared by the Indian food safety regulator with respect to the regulation of safety of the imported articles of food.
Published in: Economic and Political Weekly
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