Category: Sociology
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The ambivalence of borders: Map art through the lens of North-East Indian artists
The Art of Solitude: These three painters are more relevant now than ever before
Global Library
Policies & Committees
Student Research
Faculty Research
Research at JGU
Can Art Embody Truth? Ethics, Aesthetics and Gandhi
Social Policy & Administration, Sociology
Space, time and the female body: New Delhi on foot at night
Indians in London: From the Birth of the East India Company to Independent India
Politics & International Studies, Sociology
Violence isn’t new in BJP states. But Lakhimpur Kheri and Darrang mark a new turn.
Social Policy & Administration, Sociology
How Do Indian States Measure Up In Providing Access to Basic Social and Economic Services?
Business & Management Studies, Sociology
Localizing taste: using metaphors to understand loctural consumptionscapes
Law & Legal Studies, Sociology