Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Category: Social Policy & Administration
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Social Policy & Administration
The Union Government Is Arbitrarily Squeezing States’ Fiscal Freedom To Borrow
Social Policy & Administration
Coming together to fill the gaps in an inequitable crisis: A story from the second wave of COVID-19 in India
Social Policy & Administration
Blockchain technology and its importance in the military applications
Social Policy & Administration
The adoption of AI technology: Need for calculated risks
Social Policy & Administration
Casteism: A plague to India’s growth
Social Policy & Administration
Economic Evaluation of Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Interventions to Increase Maternal and Child Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status in Rural Odisha, India
Social Policy & Administration
Gender and social policy in middle-income countries: comparative welfare regime analysis of fiscal policies
Social Policy & Administration
‘Revdi Culture’ or Govt’s Basic Responsibility? What Prioritising Welfare Is Really About
Social Policy & Administration
RBI Rate Hike: Inflation-Hit India Needs Sound Policy, Not Hawkish Measures
Social Policy & Administration
How the vision of ‘One Nation’ suppresses alternative voices
Social Policy & Administration
Fertility targets: Linkages between desire for sons and sterilization in India
Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
Does COVID-19 lockdowns have impacted on global dengue burden? A special focus to India
Social Policy & Administration
Ending child marriages: Raising the marriage age of women is not enough
Social Policy & Administration
Who will inculcate respect for law?
Social Policy & Administration
Understanding the effects of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions with participatory videos and women’s group meetings on maternal and child nutrition in rural Odisha, India: A mixed-methods process evaluation
Social Policy & Administration
Right to the City: The Street Vendors Act of 2014 and the Collective Struggles of Women Vendors
Social Policy & Administration
National emblem: What is the image that a modern India wants to project?
Social Policy & Administration
How floods push Guwahati’s sanitation workers to the brink
Social Policy & Administration, Sociology