Category: Psychology
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Role of religion in posttraumatic growth among population exposed to armed conflict: a systematic review
Business & Management Studies, Psychology
Workplace well-being: making a case for “psychological” diversity and inclusion
Conceptualisation of Development and Learning in Indian Early Childhood Curriculum
Mental health: Who bears the cost at the workplace?
Neuroscience Engagement and Outreach on Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Report from India
The effect of combining action observation in virtual reality with kinesthetic motor imagery on cortical activity
Coach-Supported Versus Self-guided Digital Training Course for a Problem-solving Psychological Intervention for Nonspecialists: Protocol for a Pre-Post Nested Randomized Controlled Trial
Recent advances in understanding brain cancer metabolomics: a review
Individual and environmental factors in internalizing disorders in children and adolescents
The Interplay of Social, Emotional and Cognitive Factors of Risk Perception and Engagement in Precautionary Behaviours during COVID-19 Lockdown (4.0) in India
Positive Psychology and Hinduism
The Role of Rumination in Anxiety Disorders
Education & Training, Psychology