Category: Psychology
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Stigma and discrimination against people with psychosocial disabilities in low- and middle-income countries
Illness perception: A bibliometric study
Psychometric validation of Indian adaptation of the San-Diego Wisdom Scale (SD-WISE-28)
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Psychological and Physical Health of College Students
Empathetic Mental Health Systems for All: Experiential Insights as a Prosumer
Beyond (COVID-19) lockdown: faculty experiences in the post-pandemic academic landscape
Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Short Form (DERS-SF): Psychometric Validation and Measurement Invariance Testing in a Sample of Urban Indian Adolescents
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adults With Depression and Anxiety During COVID-19: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials
The Effect of Demographic and Psychological Factors on Vaccine Reluctance in COVID-19: A Systematic Review
Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Adaptation of Students Who Received Temporary Shelter to the Educational Environment of Another Country
Waste management behaviour in the most populated capital city of the world
Experiences of prognosis disclosure versus nondisclosure among family caregivers of persons with advanced cancer
Blurred Boundaries of Honour and Rape: Contesting Elopement and False Promise of Marriage as Rape
Behavioral Activation for Comorbid Depression in People with Noncommunicable Disease in India: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial
Urbanisation negatively impacts sleep health and mood in adolescents: a comparative study of female students from city and rural schools of North India
Impact of War Coverage and Visuals on Human Psyche
Education & Training, Philosophy, Psychology
Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Problem of Conscience
Psychology, Social Policy & Administration