Category: Education & Training
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Teachers’ preparedness and professionalism for online teaching during COVID-19: Evidence from India
Knowledge and experience of Zambian teaching faculties with scholarly communication and dissemination practices
Conceptualising to transcend: Glocal imaginaries and international students
Education & Training, Philosophy, Psychology
Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Problem of Conscience
Application and use of telepresence robots in libraries and information center services: prospect and challenges
Towards a Sustainable Future: A Systematic Review of Mobile Learning and Studies in Higher Education
Learner-Centred Education and the Possibilities of Inclusion
Application of artificial intelligence in libraries and information centers services: prospects and challenges
Influence of teacher innovative behaviour on students’ academic self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation
The Power of Intergenerational Partnership: Students, Universities, and SDG17
The dark side of online transition of exams in higher education: a perspective of an emerging nation
Revolutionizing library access: Exploring the potential of virtual positioning systems
Gender, inter-generational mobility and higher education
Non-Economic Motivations behind International Student Mobility: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Internet of Things in Digital Health Care Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature
Understanding the Challenges in the Research and Innovation Ecosystem in India
Business & Management Studies, Education & Training
Authentic leadership towards sustainability in higher education – an integrated green model
Education & Training, Psychology